Sustainability Radar and Checklist
This tool has been designed to help you turn your project into a more environmentally and socially sustainable one. It helps you brainstorm ideas on how you could refine your offer, by suggesting concrete strategies.
This tool also allows teams to perform a visual summary of all their sustainability initiatives, measure improvements from an existing state to the desired state, and identify intervention hotspots.
It is important to think the strategies through and keep refining them. You do not need to check all the boxes, just focus on your project's strengths and biggest challenges.
Go through the strategy checklist and discuss each one with your group.
1. Understand if the strategies from the checklist are applicable to your project: Define the priority level of each strategy in relation to your goals/values/visions.
- Note that sometimes these strategies are not relevant, are hard to implement, or fall outside the scope of the project (this is ok as long as you are aware of it). Write down the level of priority for each strategy: L for low, M for medium, H for high, N for not applicable.
2. Fill out the Radar Canvas: write down in each radar axis the level of priority (L - M - H - N) as you have previously determined in the checklist.
3. Fill in the text boxes with the actions that your project is taking in relation to each strategy, and briefly explain how these work.
4. Draw a point in the radar intersection that shows how good your project is at addressing each strategy, following the reference:
- worsened
= same status
+ improved
++ really improved
5. Trace a polygon by joining the points.
6. Finally, perform a visual analysis of the contributions of your project in relation to the level of importance for each strategy. Identify critical hotspots or intervention opportunities (Hotspots are the strategies identified as of High or Medium importance, make sure that you are doing something to improve the existing conditions of these).
- Pens
- Canvas template

CREDITS: This Canvas is based on the SDO toolkit - LeNS project (2007-2011). Created by Gabriela Baron 2020.