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Reconnection Rituals



This Canvas has been created to help us identify the actions or activities that take us back into our essence. These rituals could be anything, you should be confident in knowing that your daily life includes many of these rituals. 


By experimenting this connection, we can feel how we share the same essence with other human beings, other non-human beings and every element of this planet and universe. By focusing on the things in common, not on the differences, we reach the deeper layers of our natural living systems.

When experimenting the essential level, we feel connected, we feel whole, we feel one.


1. Me circle: identify actions, moments or situations in which you feel connected to your own essence. Moments when you are coherent with your core values, you feel yourself, you “shine”. Write them down inside this circle.

2. My communities circle: identify actions, moments or situations that connect you to people, to different social groups. Moments when you feel you feel part of a group without losing individuality or uniqueness, where the whole is the sum of its parts. Write them down inside this circle.​


3. My places: identify actions, moments or situations that connect you to the natual realm, whether land, water, animals, plants, etc. Write them down inside this circle.​


4. Identify narratives that might link these 3 levels of connection. Draw lines to link rituals from all 3 levels.​


5. Select 3 story threads and give them a distinct name. Write their name on the spaces provided, and tell a short story about these rituals.​


6. Explore personal insights that have emerged from these rituals.

7. Share these stories with the group or turn them into visual storytelling using the Reconnection Stories Canvas.


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- Canvas template


30 minutes

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- Canvas template

D4C Reconnection Rituals

CREDITS: Created by Gabriela Baron 2020.

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